The National Organization of Parents of Blind Children welcomes parents, relatives, educators, blind adults, and others interested in promoting opportunities for blind children. Local parent support groups are also invited to affiliate with the NOPBC. Although membership is open to non-parents, parents of blind children manage the priorities of NOPBC. We look forward to your participation.

Early literacy and high expectations for our children are best achieved when supported by the triad of home, community, and educator.

Benefits & How to Join

Becoming a member gives you access to a community that is life-changing. To join, please complete the membership form below. However, please connect with your local NOPBC as well.

Please note that we are changing our membership year. All current NOPBC memberships run through December 31, 2023, regardless of when the annual dues were paid.

NOPBC membership is $15, and benefits of membership include:

  • Free Freedom Scientific Software – Freedom Scientific will provide each NOPBC member a free annual home license for JAWS, Fusion, or ZoomText. This free license (worth $85-170, depending on the software chosen) is exclusive to NOPBC members. You will receive a link for access to the software shortly after your membership is verified.
  • Please note that the free software license is only available to individuals in the United States.
  • Early Access to NOPBC Resources – NOPBC members will receive announcements and new resources before they are released to the general public.


We are moving to a calendar year membership, so all new memberships will be in force through December 31, 2023. That's right, if you join now, you'll get more than 12 months of NOPBC membership for the membership fee of $15. Complete the membership form below.


To become a member fill out this form and submit your $15 payment for membership.

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Role (check all that apply)
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